
Shopify add font to font picker
Shopify add font to font picker

shopify add font to font picker
  1. #Shopify add font to font picker update#
  2. #Shopify add font to font picker full#

Remove fastclick (causes older Andriod users issues).Rename files to match Shopify tutorials (shop.js -> theme.js & style.scss -> theme.scss).Fix issue with instagram API rate limiting.Add support for parallax effect on mobile.Fix tab content overlap issue on firefox.Escape cart notes to allow HTML in cart notes.Strip tags from product list item and twitter description.Increase support for third party currency applications by reducing conflicts in money tags.Add support for new Shopify payment buttons.Add option to swap image on hover in product grid.Add newsletter and map section to homepage.Fix issue where the height of a large "image and text" section would prevent the next section from being shorter than its predecessor.Reduce padding under Slideshow when it is the first full-height section on the homepage.

shopify add font to font picker

Switch newsletter description fields to richtext to make it easier for merchants to link to their privacy policy for GDPR compliance.Make it easier to switch presets without wiping settings that are not explicitly related to the style of the preset.Introduce per-font sizing to make it easier to adjust fonts with different em heights.Implement the new font picker with fonts from Monospace.Fix bug in video modal introduced in latest chrome version where iframe moves by 10px on hover.

#Shopify add font to font picker full#

  • Increase size of mobile plus and minus icons and prevent menu expansion from triggering a full page reflow.
  • Address edge case when accent color is black - better styling on wrapper for additional checkout buttons.
  • Better google merchant price formatting, include trailing zeroes.
  • Better mid-size media queries for hero button image.
  • Add Active Merchant payment icons to footer and improve spacing at smaller mid-query sizes.
  • Increase visibility of select dropdown on product and collection page.
  • #Shopify add font to font picker update#

    Update look of footer lines and headings.Update table styles - border and bold only for table head.Improved height options for collections and blog posts on the home page.Background video autoplay option for video section.Improved tag filtering on the collection page.Added product image aspect ratio controls for collection page.Added support for automatic discounts and buy-one-get-one discounts in the cart.Here's more about the new feature by Shopify: Product Recommendations APIs. Improved related products suggestions - We've switched the related products feature to use Shopify's new algorithm.New icon columns section - Easily add icons with text Learn more.Transparent header options and Sticky header Learn more.Fixed money formatting for currency conversion apps in add to cart popdown.Improved appearance of icon section text links with dark backgrounds.New location map styles and zoom control Learn more.Add padding and video support to Text columns with images Learn more.Add new styles for additional checkout buttons.Support for Shopify's new product media formats.Adds support for Shopify Payments multi-currency checkout.New lookbook page template - Learn more.

    shopify add font to font picker

  • New inventory countdown on product page.
  • Improved product image zoom for mobile and desktop - Learn more.
  • New product page variant buttons - Learn more.
  • New product page layout styles - Learn more.
  • shopify add font to font picker

    Add images, products and collections into navigation - Learn more New color swatches for collection and product pages - Learn more.

    Shopify add font to font picker