
Unpacking game 2012
Unpacking game 2012

unpacking game 2012

For status conscious individuals, consuming status-oriented products is thought to increase satisfaction with their life.

unpacking game 2012

Some advocate that consumption of certain products helps to achieve higher-order needs such as status (Zhang and Xiong, 2015) and consequently satisfaction with one's life (Anderson et al., 2012).


The findings enrich the existing literature on status consumption and provide insights for brand managers on how to position status-oriented products in different markets.Ĭonsumption as a means to a satisfying life is engrained in an ongoing discussion around excessive consumption, consumerism and a growing fixation on brands (Hudders and Pandelaere, 2015). Furthermore, the results show that avoidance of similarity does not moderate the relationship between individualism and status consumption across countries. Also, creative choice counterconformity motivation moderates the relationships between collectivism and status consumption in the USA, whereas unpopular choice counterconformity motivation moderates the relationships between individualism and status consumption in Bangladesh. The results show that both individualism and collectivism are positively related to status consumption which, in turn, leads to a satisfying life across both countries.

unpacking game 2012

Data were collected from the USA and Bangladesh. In picking up on the importance of individuals' desire for status, we shed light on status consumption by focusing on consumers’ perceived individualism-collectivism, counterconformity motivations, and life satisfaction. Our desire for status drives many of our decisions about what we own and consume.

Unpacking game 2012